I got SHINGLES for Summer! **Warning! Ugly pictures that might turn your stomach!**
What weirdness this has been! For the sake of my family, some of whom have strong stomachs and enough curiosity to actually request these pictures, and I suppose for anyone who wants to know what it can be like, from the beginning on (not gone yet!), I've decided to make this post public. If you came here and don't know me, keep in mind this is my private life I'm showing you, and I hope you can treat me with the respect you'd want for yourself. I'm going to tell you my personal story. There's way too much research to talk about here; this is just my own experience. Quick edit to add this very hopeful therapy with Vit. C! If you're just starting your shingles, please check this out, and talk to your doctor!!! (Thanks to Maureen for the link. :) ) Okay, so here's kind of how it went. Mid-June of this year, I had these strange sort of clutching feelings in my chest, sort of at the lower edge of my breasts, mostly on the left. That wen...